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Shachrit @ 7:15 AM
Mincha @ 2:00 PM
Maariv @ 9:00 PM
* Friday Mincha 10 minutes before sunset, followed by Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv
* In summer, after Shavuos, Mincha is at 8 p.m. on Fridays.
Shachrit @ 9:30 AM
Mincha @ 15 min before sunset
Shachrit @ 8:45 AM
Mincha @ 10 min before sunset
Congregation B'nai Jacob is the ONLY synagogue in the neighborhood that has scheduled daily minyonim. We welcome all Jews from all denominations, from all synagogues or none, with or without experience in daily prayers, to join with us. The benefits of communal prayer are many, and joining with the daily minyan will bring many blessings to your life. It's o.k. if you're running late or if you have to leave early. You're invited, you're welcome, and you're appreciated!
Please note: These are the times when minyonim are SCHEDULED but because we are a relatively small congregation, we do not always achieve a minyan, and there are times that the minyan starts a bit after the scheduled time. It is an important goal of ours to involve more members of the community in our minyanim - whether or not they are members or congregants of Cong. B'nai Jacob. There is always a minyan on Shabbat and Yom Tov mornings, and Monday through Thursday Mincha at 2 p.m. (give or take a few minutes).
If you need to say Kaddish, please email the shul at least 24 hours in advance so that we can make an outreach effort to ensure that you will have a minyan.
Click here to see all of our upcoming exciting events!