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Congregation B'nai Jacob's doors and hearts are open to all Jews, irrespective of age, socio-economic status, lifestyle, background, or affiliation. All individuals are welcome to grow in their understanding of Torah and the beauty that Jewish tradition offers.
Prayer services are conducted according to time-honored Jewish tradition. Shabbat services include an inspirational D'var Torah (sermon) by the Rabbi. Our prayer books and Chumashim have English translations so all can follow along and feel comfortable.
If you are looking for a friendly place to celebrate the holidays, a kid-friendly synagogue where your children will feel comfortable, a place to say Kaddish for a departed loved one, or if you just want to look at our beautiful sanctuary, hear a melody, or say a prayer, please join in!
Our Rabbi will be more than happy to answer any questions regarding Judaism. In addition, he can counsel you about various educational opportunities for children of all ages that are available in the community.
If you are a Jew looking for a shul where you will truly be welcome, appreciated, and valued, then Congregation B'nai Jacob may very well be the shul you are looking for.
We welcome comments, programming suggestions, and most of all, questions about Yiddishkeit (Judaism) from everyone.
401 9th Street
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